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CSS Layers: A New Way to Control Specificity | by Michael Hamill | Dec, 2022

CSS Layers: A New Way to Control Specificity | by Michael Hamill | Dec, 2022

CSS Layers: A New Way to Control Specificity | by Michael Hamill | Dec, 2022
Photo by Clark Van Der Beken on Unsplash

CSS layers are a new feature that allows you to create custom layers within the CSS hierarchy, making it easier to work with specificity.

Layers are different from the standard three layers in CSS (browser styles, user styles, and author styles) in that they allow you to define the hierarchy of styles within the author layer. This means that you can create your own custom layers that determine the specificity of all CSS code.

To create your own layers, you can use the @layer keyword, followed by the name of your layer and the CSS code that you want to include in that layer. For example:

@layer my-custom-layer {
#button.super-specific-selector {
color: red;

This code creates a custom layer called my-custom-layer, which contains the CSS code for a #button.super-specific-selector selector.

To use your custom layer, you can simply include it in your CSS code by referencing the name of the layer. For example:

 @import my-custom-layer;

This code will import the my-custom-layer layer and make its styles available in your CSS.

One of the key benefits of using custom layers is that they make it easier to manage the specificity of your CSS code. With custom layers, you can define the hierarchy of your styles, so that you can easily control which styles will override others. This can be especially useful when working with frameworks like Bootstrap, which often have complex specificity hierarchies.

For example, imagine that you are using Bootstrap in your project and you want to customize the styles of a button element. If you simply write your own styles for the button element, they may not always override the styles from Bootstrap, because the specificity of the Bootstrap styles may be higher. This can lead to frustrating situations where your styles are not applied as expected.

With CSS layers, you can avoid this problem by creating a custom layer that has a higher specificity than the Bootstrap styles. For example, you could create a layer called my-custom-styles that contains the following code:

@layer my-custom-styles {
#button.btn {
color: red;

This code defines a custom layer called my-custom-styles that contains styles for the #button.btn selector. The #button.btn selector is more specific than the button selector used by Bootstrap, so the styles in this layer will override the styles from Bootstrap.

To use this layer, you simply need to import it in your CSS code after the styles from Bootstrap. For example:

@import "bootstrap.css";
@import my-custom-styles;

This code will first import the styles from Bootstrap, and then import the my-custom-styles layer. Because the my-custom-styles layer is imported after the styles from Bootstrap, its styles will take precedence and will be applied to the button element.

In this way, CSS layers allow you to create custom hierarchies of styles that make it easier to control the specificity of your code, and avoid conflicts with styles from external libraries and frameworks.

Using CSS layers is easy once you understand how they work. In this section, we will walk through the steps involved in creating and using custom layers in your CSS code.

Step 1: Create Your Custom Layers

The first step in using CSS layers is to create your custom layers. To do this, you can use the @layer keyword, followed by the name of your layer and the CSS code that you want to include in that layer. For example:

@layer my-custom-layer {
#button.super-specific-selector {
color: red;

This code creates a custom layer called my-custom-layer, which contains the CSS code for a #button.super-specific-selector selector.

You can create as many custom layers as you need, and you can include any valid CSS code in them. For example, you could create a layer that contains styles for your site’s navigation menu:

@layer navigation-menu {
nav {
background-color: blue;
nav ul {
list-style: none;
nav li {
display: inline-block;

This code creates a custom layer called navigation-menu that contains styles for the nav, ul, and li elements.

Once you have created your custom layers, you can save them as separate files and store them in a convenient location in your project.

Step 2: Import Your Custom Layers

Once you have created your custom layers, the next step is to import them into your CSS code. To do this, you can use the @import keyword, followed by the name of your layer. For example:

@import my-custom-layer;

This code will import the my-custom-layer layer and make its styles available in your CSS.

You can import as many custom layers as you need, and you can import them in any order. The order in which you import your layers will determine the hierarchy of your styles, so it is important to import them in the correct order to ensure that your styles are applied as expected.

For example, if you have two custom layers called my-custom-layer and my-other-layer, and you want the styles in my-custom-layer to take precedence over the styles in my-other-layer, you can import them in the following order:

@import my-custom-layer;
@import my-other-layer;

This code will import the my-custom-layer layer first, followed by the my-other-layer layer. Because my-custom-layer is imported before my-other-layer, its styles will take precedence and will be applied to your elements.

Step 3: Use Your Custom Layers

Once you have imported your custom layers into your CSS code, you can use them to control the specificity of your styles. For example, if you have a layer called my-custom-layer that contains the following styles:

@layer my-custom-layer {
#button.super-specific-selector {
color: red;

And you have another layer called my-other-layer that contains the following styles:

@layer my-other-layer {
button {
color: green;

You can control the hierarchy of these styles as mentioned earlier by importing them in a specific order. For example, if you want the styles in my-custom-layer to take precedence over the styles in my-other-layer, you can import them in the following order:

@import my-custom-layer;
@import my-other-layer;

This will ensure that the #button.super-specific-selector selector in my-custom-layer will override the button selector in my-other-layer, because my-custom-layer is imported after my-other-layer.

Now that you know how to create and use CSS layers, let’s look at some real-world examples of how they can be used.

Overriding Styles from a Framework

One of the most common uses for CSS layers is to override styles from a framework like Bootstrap. As mentioned earlier, frameworks like Bootstrap often have complex specificity hierarchies, and it can be difficult to override their styles without using CSS layers.

For example, imagine that you are using Bootstrap in your project and you want to change the color of your button elements. Without using CSS layers, you would have to use a selector that is more specific than the one used by Bootstrap, which can be difficult and error-prone.

With CSS layers, you can avoid this problem by creating a custom layer that has a higher specificity than the Bootstrap styles. For example, you could create a layer called my-custom-styles that contains the following code:

@layer my-custom-styles {
#button.btn {
color: red;

This code defines a custom layer called my-custom-styles that contains styles for the #button.btn selector. The #button.btn selector is more specific than the button selector used by Bootstrap, so the styles in this layer will override the styles from Bootstrap.

To use this layer, you simply need to import it in your CSS code after the styles from Bootstrap. For example:

@import "bootstrap.css";
@import my-custom-styles;

In this way, using CSS layers allows you to easily override styles from a framework like Bootstrap, without having to worry about specificity. This makes your CSS code more maintainable and easier to work with, which can save you time and frustration.

Working with Multiple Designers

Another common use for CSS layers is to allow multiple designers to work on the same project without conflicts. For example, if you have a large team working on a project, you could create a custom layer for each designer, which would contain their styles.

This would allow each designer to work on their own layer, without worrying about conflicts with the styles of other designers. The layers could then be imported into the main CSS file in a specific order, to control the hierarchy of the styles.

For example, imagine that you have two designers working on a project, and each designer has their own custom layer. Designer A’s layer contains the following styles:

@layer designer-a {
nav {
background-color: blue;
nav ul {
list-style: none;
nav li {
display: inline-block;

And Designer B’s layer contains the following styles:

@layer designer-b {
footer {
background-color: gray;
footer p {
color: white;

To import these layers into your main CSS file, you could use the following code:

@import designer-a;
@import designer-b;

This code will import the designer-a layer first, followed by the designer-b layer. Because designer-a is imported before designer-b, its styles will take precedence over the styles in designer-b. This ensures that each designer’s styles are applied correctly and that there are no conflicts between the styles of different designers.

In this way, CSS layers can make it easier to work with multiple designers on the same project, by providing a simple and flexible way to organize and manage your CSS code.

CSS layers are a powerful new feature that allows you to create custom hierarchies for your styles, giving you greater control over the specificity of your CSS code. Whether you are trying to override styles from a framework, organize your styles, or work with multiple designers, CSS layers can make your CSS code more maintainable and easier to work with.

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