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How to Change Your VPN Location (A Step-by-Step Guide)

Whether you are looking to change the location of your virtual private network for privacy, security or geolocation issues, you can do so easily using a VPN service. Let’s dive straight into the basics and the step-by-step guides for computers, macOS, Windows, Android and iPhone to help you change the location of your VPN. 1 […]

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Does a VPN Slow Down Your Internet Speed?

Many people have come to know virtual private networks as convenient ways to secure their internet connection and online traffic. Through encryption and VPN tunneling, user data like browsing activity and search history is made unreadable to hackers and malicious actors. SEE:  Brute Force and Dictionary Attacks: A Guide for IT Leaders (TechRepublic Premium) A […]

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Ivanti Secure VPN Zero-Day Vulnerabilities Allow Chinese Threat Actor to Compromise Systems

Ivanti Secure VPN Zero-Day Vulnerabilities Allow Chinese Threat Actor to Compromise Systems

Two zero-day vulnerabilities have been discovered in Ivanti Secure VPN, a popular VPN solution used by organizations worldwide. The vulnerabilities are currently being exploited in the wild by at least one Chinese nation-state threat actor dubbed UTA0178. The chaining of the two vulnerabilities allow any attacker to execute remote code without any authentication and compromise […]

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8 Best Mobile VPNs for Every Use Case in 2024

8 Best Mobile VPNs for Every Use Case in 2024

Enterprise Networking Planet content and product recommendations are editorially independent. We may make money when you click on links to our partners. Learn More. A mobile virtual private network (VPN) establishes a secure and encrypted connection between a mobile device and a private network to prevent unauthorized access and ensure privacy. In an office setting, […]

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