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Cloud-Native: The Modern Way to Develop Software

Cloud-Native: The Modern Way to Develop Software

For over a decade, businesses in all industries have undergone a digital metamorphosis. This evolution is marked by transitioning from on-premises software solutions to cloud-based computing technology.

By leveraging cloud-computing resources, businesses can gain access to scalable assets, increase organizational performance, and optimize digital agility.

However, traditional cloud solutions primarily focus on software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. While these technologies are a valuable component of business modernization, they’re only the tip of the iceberg.

Businesses that utilize cloud-native applications can truly harness the power of cloud technologies. As their name implies, cloud-native applications are “native” to the cloud computing environment. In other words, cloud-native software development involves creating applications in the cloud instead of a physical computing environment.

What Is Cloud-Native Development?

In simple terms, cloud-native software development creates applications using core cloud-computing principles and resources. The architecture of cloud-native applications is highly scalable, responsive, and dynamic.

During cloud-native development, developers can:

  • Use advanced resource allocation processes
  • Use microservice architectures
  • Containerize applications to streamline deployment
  • Leverage Kubernetes principles
  • Manage and store data in the cloud
  • Streamline operations and development workflows

Additionally, top-end cloud-native applications are “cloud-agnostic,” meaning they can be migrated through many cloud providers or function in multi-cloud environments. Much of the appeal of cloud-native software development lies in the ability to yield adaptable and versatile applications.

Why Modern Businesses Need Cloud-Native Development

Like on-premises computing resources, traditional application-development practices are antiquated technology. As such, they can’t provide the quality of experience that modern audiences expect.

Additionally, applications developed in an old-school environment often need to match the performance of cloud-native alternatives when the former is introduced to a cloud environment.

By leveraging cloud-native development services, modern businesses can facilitate their digital transformation. Cloud-native processes enable businesses to serve their customers better and deliver a frictionless user experience when interacting with their brands via various applications.

Top businesses in virtually all industries leverage cloud-native development. Those that neglect to do so quickly fall behind these trailblazers and find it challenging to maintain a foothold within their respective markets.

Adopting cloud-native processes is no longer an optional step—it’s become necessary for businesses that want to thrive in the digital marketplace.

Read more: Understanding Cloud-Native Apps And How Your Business Can Benefit From It!

Cloud-Native: The Modern Way to Develop Software

Top Benefits of Cloud-Native Software Development

Your business can tap into the multiple benefits of investing in cloud-native software development. Specifically, your organization can:

1. Streamline the User Experience (UX)

A great user experience must be a top priority for your business, regardless of your specific sector. While there are many ways to enhance the UX, investing in cloud-native development is one of the most effective approaches.

Cloud-native applications enable developers to leverage two essential UX-centric methodologies: continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD).

Continuous integration is the process of merging code changes using automation. Multiple developers can merge code changes into a centralized project to streamline app development and generate a cohesive, fully functional product.

Continuous delivery addresses post-release application software updates. Instead of occasionally pushing out massive updates, CD involves delivering smaller updates more frequently. This short-cycle approach improves software delivery and performance while yielding a super UX.

2. Decrease Development Costs

Remember those microservices and containers mentioned earlier? Those resources streamline cloud-native app development while decreasing overall project costs.

Creating applications using traditional processes is notoriously expensive. Transitioning away from these antiquated processes to cloud-native alternatives is a savvy cost-saving maneuver.

Your savings are compounded because you can often reuse microservices and containers from past projects in future initiatives. Instead of starting from scratch, developers can use these resources to expedite the development of new apps to drive down costs even more.

3. Protect Business Continuity

Making dynamic, user-friendly applications a central part of your business model can give you a competitive edge in the modern marketplace. However, if your application goes down, customer frustrations will mount, and your brand could experience lasting reputational damage as a result.

Since cloud-native apps can tap into scalable cloud resources, these products are far less likely to experience extended outages. Developers can rapidly remedy the issue when a cloud-native app experiences downtime, thereby protecting business continuity.

4. Improve IT Budget Allocation

Cloud computing likely accounts for a large percentage of your overall IT budget. While diverting resources from cloud computing is impractical, you can further stretch your information technology dollars using cloud-native software development.

Cloud-native development processes are more cost-effective than traditional alternatives. Switching to cloud-native processes will reduce app development costs and free up IT funding.

Furthermore, deploying cloud-native applications can decrease your app operating costs, as cloud-native apps are easier to maintain and update than traditional applications.

5. Meet Evolving Demands for Services

In the digitized marketplace, it seems as if customers’ expectations and demands are in a constant state of flux. Unfortunately, it can be difficult—if not impossible—to pivot at a moment’s notice using antiquated application development processes.

Cloud-native development gives your organization the agility to respond to sudden shifts in customer expectations. As soon as you identify a new market opportunity, you and your app development team can act fast to capitalize on it.

For instance, you could add a new feature that enables customers to communicate easily with your brand. You could also frequently update your app’s capabilities to improve overall performance and stay relevant in the digital marketplace.

6. Facilitate Collaboration

Cloud-native application development doesn’t just improve your relationship with customers. It also enhances your team members’ ability to collaborate.

Deploying employee-facing cloud-native applications will eliminate information logjams. Employees can leverage these technologies to share information seamlessly, access the necessary data required to carry out their responsibilities and collaborate like never before.

When Should Businesses Shift to Cloud-Native?

The short answer is “yesterday.”

Cloud-native software development outperforms traditional application development practices at every turn. Cloud-native development is faster, more cost-effective, and yields a more robust final product.

Your organization is undoubtedly using cloud-based computing resources in at least some capacity. You can complete the transition by modernizing your cloud-native development processes, too. Doing so will empower your business to regain a competitive edge within your respective industry.

The Nexus Between Cloud-Native Development and Business Modernization

Today’s customers want the freedom to interact with brands across multiple touchpoints. This holds whether your target audience consists of individual consumers or business-to-business (B2B) clients.

Modern businesses live up to this customer expectation by providing their clients access to user-friendly, intuitive, and dynamic applications. These organizations can expand their reach in the digital marketplace, connect with a broader audience, eliminate friction from purchasing processes, and generate more revenue by transitioning to cloud-native development.

Antiquated application development practices represent a significant hurdle to digital transformation and business modernization efforts. Your business can’t achieve its digital transformation goals without fully embracing the cloud-computing environment and its many resources.

Examining the Business Impact of Cloud-Native

The notion that cloud-native software development is the new gold standard isn’t just pure conjecture. This fact is supported by numerous case studies and research projects, including a recent business impact brief by 451 Research.

Read more: Advancing Business Software Development with Cloud Native

Cloud-Native: The Modern Way to Develop Software

In brief, the organization’s team found that:

  • 64% of companies develop at least half of their applications using cloud-native technology
  • 49% of companies have partially or fully adopted Kubernetes
  • 55% of companies have partially or completely adopted containers

451 Research analysts concluded that cloud-native software development has gone beyond the development process and evolved into a full-fledged methodology. As such, it should continue gaining momentum among brands passionate about actualizing digital transformation.

And that’s just the barest overview. Managers can review 451 Research’s business impact brief by downloading the report.

Why Choose Fingent for Cloud-Native Development?

Fingent’s suite of cloud-native software development services is designed to deliver maximum value to our clients. When leveraging Fingent’s cloud-native development services, your organization will experience:

1. Consistent, High-Quality Results

As a client-oriented cloud-native development firm, Fingent focuses on providing high-quality, consistent results that exceed expectations. Our robust, agile teams and dynamic quality assurance practices ensure that our deliverables expressly meet your needs and address your most significant organizational pain points.

2. Best-of-Breed Solutions

Fingent’s unique approach enables us to provide world-class cloud-native software development services that produce best-of-breed solutions. These cost-effective solutions will align with your budget and delivery timetable. With Fingent, you won’t have any last-minute surprises like budgeting issues or missed deadlines.

3. Transparent Project Management

At Fingent, we always keep our clients in the loop. We’ll routinely provide you with updates regarding the status of your cloud-native development project. We pride ourselves on setting firm deadlines and adhering to them.

If you’re ready to achieve business modernization and make your organization a standout player in your industry, take advantage of Fingent’s cloud-native services.

Contact us to discuss your latest project.

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