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What was Steve Jobs’s first job? – Naked Security

What was Steve Jobs’s first job? – Naked Security

DOUG.  Emergency Apple patches, justice for the 2020 Twitter hack, and “Turn off your phones, please!” All that, and more, on the Naked Security podcast. [MUSICAL MODEM] Welcome to the podcast, everybody. I am Doug Aamoth; he is Paul Ducklin. Paul, how do you do? DUCK.  I’m very well, Douglas. And just to be clear, when we […]

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Multi-million investment scammers busted in four-country Europol raid – Naked Security

Multi-million investment scammers busted in four-country Europol raid – Naked Security

Another day, another series of cryptocurrency scams… …these, fortunately, brought to a halt, though sadly not before they’d defrauded “investors” around the globe to the tune of millions of dollars. According to Europol, 216 people were questioned in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany and Serbia; 15 have already been arrested; 22 searches were conducted, including at four […]

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Voice-scamming site “iSpoof” seized, 100s arrested in massive crackdown – Naked Security

Voice-scamming site “iSpoof” seized, 100s arrested in massive crackdown – Naked Security

These days, most of us have telephones that display the number that’s calling before we answer. This “feature” actually goes right back to the 1960s, and it’s known in North American English as Caller ID, although it doesn’t actually identify the caller, just the caller’s number. Elsewhere in the English-speaking world, you’ll see the name […]

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