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The Collective #808

The Collective #823 (Missing link included)

No. 823,  Thursday, March 14, 2024   View in browser

The Collective #823 (Missing link included)
In partnership with
The Collective #823 (Missing link included)

Olá, frontend friends! 👋

(This is a resend because I forgot to include the link I mention below!)

Today we bring you some neat finds, from ThreePipe’s 3D magic to Andy Bell’s smart take on progress indicators.

Plus, we’ve got tips on CSS button styles and an interesting article on the 2038 problem. My favorite link today is Eva Decker’s Lissajous Curve SVG Generator, make sure to check it out!

Happy exploring!

The Collective #823 (Missing link included)

We’re really into Akaru’s latest redesign—it skillfully combines innovative layouts with captivating scroll actions, all while adding those smooth, eye-catching details we all appreciate. Definitely our highlight this week!

Standout Web Design Picks

The Collective #823 (Missing link included)

Where design meets code. You can now collaborate with your team to edit CSS for any React project in one visual workspace. Create applications, develop components and design UI as intended within web standards. Download Codux to start building better, faster.

Video Vault

Animation Spotlight

The Collective #823 (Missing link included)

The Sisters of Fate by Hrvoje Kraljevic

Demo Corner

❓Did you know that…

…JavaScript, used by millions of developers today, was created by Brendan Eich in just 10 days during the dotcom boom? It was intended to complement Java and appeal to beginning programmers, eventually becoming a crucial part of web development.

Codrops is proudly sponsored by KeyCDN, the high performance content delivery network that has been built for the future.

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