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Red Hat launches platform for building developer portals

Red Hat launches platform for building developer portals

Red Hat has unveiled the Red Hat Developer Hub, an enterprise-level internal developer platform (IDP) for building developer portals. The platform provides an opinionated framework and set of templates that will “reduce friction and frustration” for development teams, Red Hat said.

Based on the Backstage open source Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project and accessible from a Red Hat account, the Red Hat Developer Hub was announced January 16 and features a self-service portal, standardized software templates, dynamic plug-in management, enterprise role-based access control, and premium support. Tools are provided to overcome devops bottlenecks and deal with issues such as complexity, lack of standardization, and cognitive load.

Red Hat describes an IDP as a standardized set of self-service technologies and tools for developers to build and deploy code. Red Hat Developer Hub helps teams accelerate development and deployment across platforms by combining consistent, standardized pipelines with self service and guardrails. Red Hat Developer Hub is integrated with Red Hat OpenShift to leverage AI and cloud-native application architectures.

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