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IBM mainframes unscathed after earthquake rattles US East Coast

IBM mainframes unscathed after earthquake rattles US East Coast

IBM mainframes unscathed after earthquake rattles US East Coast

The 4.8 magnitude earthquake rumbled through the northeastern United States at 10:23 a.m. on Friday, according to the United States Geological Survey. It sent tremors from Philadelphia to Boston and jolted buildings in Manhattan and throughout the five boroughs, the New York Times reported.

Mainframes are engineered to withstand environmental events, including earthquakes. IBM and others have said the Big Iron can endure even an 8.0 magnitude earthquake.

Mainframe ruggedness can vary from model to model, but experts say the boxes are typically built with strong chassis that can deal with shock and vibration. There are also seismic isolation systems that can be utilized around the big boxes to ensure as much protection as possible.

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