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Collective #803

Collective #803

Collective #803 Collective #803

Welcome to Collective #803!

As we wrap up the year, this edition of the Collective is our final gift to you for 2023.

We sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed delving into the array of frontend articles and learning resources we’ve curated throughout the year.

Your presence in our little tribe means the world to us, and we’re grateful for your continued engagement. Wishing you not just a wonderful holiday season but also a fantastic kickoff to 2024!

Here’s to more discoveries, growth, and exciting adventures in the coming year!

Collective #803

Oovra’s website design beautifully combines elegance and modern style, showcasing its dedication to professional artists. The site feels friendly and smooth, creating an overlall pleasant web experience.

Standout Web Design Picks

The Kintone Developer Program provides a seamless tutorial for integrating ESP8266 with Kintone’s web database, making IoT integration a breeze!

Try it now 👉

Video Vault

Demo Corner

From our blog

❓Did you know that…

…the Y2K bug, a.k.a. the Millennium Bug or Y2K scare, freaked out folks as the year 2000 approached. It was all about computer programs mistaking ’00’ for 1900. People stockpiled supplies, expecting an apocalypse, but thanks to tech wizards, the transition to 2000 went surprisingly smooth!

And that’s all! Thank you for reading the Collective! If you have something you would like us to feature in the next edition, simply reply to this email!

Codrops is proudly sponsored by KeyCDN, the high performance content delivery network that has been built for the future.

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