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Using WinRAR? Be sure to patch against these code execution bugs… – Naked Security

Using WinRAR? Be sure to patch against these code execution bugs… – Naked Security

The venerable RAR program, short for Roshal’s Archiver after its original creator, has been popular in file sharing and software distribution circles for decades, not least because of its built-in error recovery and file reconstruction features. Early internet users will remember, with little fondness, the days when large file transfers were shipped either as compressed […]

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How to hack an unpatched Exchange server with rogue PowerShell code – Naked Security

How to hack an unpatched Exchange server with rogue PowerShell code – Naked Security

Just under two months ago, some worrying bug news broke: a pair of zero-day vulnerabilities were announced in Microsoft Exchange. As we advised at the time, these vulnerabilities, officially designated CVE-2022-41040 and CVE-2022-41082: [were] two zero-days that [could] be chained together, with the first bug used remotely to open enough of a hole to trigger […]

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