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What to know and what to do – Naked Security

What to know and what to do – Naked Security

US food delivery compeny PurFoods, which trades as Mom’s Meals, has just admitted to a cyberintrusion that took place from 2023-01-16 to 2023-02-22. The company stated officially that: [The] cyberattack […] included the encryption of certain files in our network. Because the investigation identified the presence of tools that could be used for data exfiltration […]

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California County Says Personal Information Compromised in Data Breach

California County Says Personal Information Compromised in Data Breach

The County of Tehama, California, has started informing employees, recipients of services, and affiliates that their personal information might have been compromised in a data breach. The incident, Tehama County says, was identified on April 9, but the investigation into the matter stretched to August 19, when it was determined that personally identifiable information (PII) […]

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