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What was Steve Jobs’s first job? – Naked Security

What was Steve Jobs’s first job? – Naked Security

DOUG.  Emergency Apple patches, justice for the 2020 Twitter hack, and “Turn off your phones, please!” All that, and more, on the Naked Security podcast. [MUSICAL MODEM] Welcome to the podcast, everybody. I am Doug Aamoth; he is Paul Ducklin. Paul, how do you do? DUCK.  I’m very well, Douglas. And just to be clear, when we […]

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Multi-million investment scammers busted in four-country Europol raid – Naked Security

Multi-million investment scammers busted in four-country Europol raid – Naked Security

Another day, another series of cryptocurrency scams… …these, fortunately, brought to a halt, though sadly not before they’d defrauded “investors” around the globe to the tune of millions of dollars. According to Europol, 216 people were questioned in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany and Serbia; 15 have already been arrested; 22 searches were conducted, including at four […]

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